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  • Cessation Medications: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved a variety of smoking cessation products. These include prescription medicines as well as over-the-counter (OTC) products such as skin patches, lozenges, and gum.
  • Alternative Cessation Methods: Some studies suggest that acupuncture and/or hypnosis may help people quit smoking. Learn more about these alternative cessation methods.
  • Quitting Tobacco for Older Adults: If you have been smoking for a long time you may wonder whether it's worth trying to quit after so many years. The fact is, it's never too late to give up cigarettes. As soon as you quit, your health will improve as your body begins the process of repairing itself.
  • Quitting Smokeless Tobacco: Some people believe that using chewing tobacco and snuff is safer than inhaling cigarette smoke; however, these forms of tobacco carry many of the same risks as cigarettes and additional ones as well.
  • Benefits of Quitting Smoking: For all the struggle of quitting smoking, there are equal, simultaneous rewards! When smokers quit, within twenty minutes of smoking that last cigarette the body begins a series of healing changes.
  • Diet and Exercise: Many people are concerned about gaining weight when they quit smoking. But with a healthful diet and regular exercise, this weight gain can be prevented.
  • Nicotine and Tobacco Products: Nicotine-the component of tobacco that causes addiction-is one of the most heavily used addictive drugs in the United States. Smoking cigarettes is the most popular method of taking in nicotine; other methods include smoking cigars and pipes and chewing tobacco.
  • Secondhand Smoke: Secondhand tobacco smoke contains over 4,700 chemical compounds. More than 200 of these are known poisons. Secondhand smoke at the workplace and at home is significantly associated with the development of asthma in adults.
  • Tobacco and Kids: Recent studies have found that kids really do listen when parents advise them to avoid tobacco, drugs, and alcohol. Take some time to talk to your kids about the hazards of using tobacco; it can make a big difference in their lives.
  • Stats about Tobacco: Statistics about tobacco and its effects are staggering. Learn more about the numbers and the facts.