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Catalyst - Summer Internship Program

What is the Catalyst Internship Program at Ochsner?

Ochsner's Catalyst summer internship program offers students direct mentorship and hands-on experience to expand their knowledge of the healthcare industry. Interns will learn important skills to help them across their careers in healthcare.

What are some of the benefits?

  • 1:1 mentorship with leaders
  • Peer networking
  • Online and classroom skills training
  • Experience in relevant issues affecting our communities
  • Participation in a values-centered organization
  • Healthcare experience for students of any major
  • Numerous opportunities and advancements for young professionals with Ochsner Health, the largest non-profit and private employer in Louisiana


  • Is this a part-time or full-time position? The Catalyst program is part-time. Selected interns can expect to work approximately 32 to 40 hours per week for the 8 to 9 week program duration. Students will have off the week of July 4. Internship positions are paid and vary by department. 
  • Are positions available following the internship? Interns have been offered and accepted positions following their internship completion, but this depends on the needs of the organization. Students are encouraged to apply through for possible opportunities following their internship completion.
  • Will interns have the option to choose their region/location? This will depend on the intern's skill set and with which department the intern is matched. Our goal is to match interns to the departments or facilities that match their skills and interests within their geographical area. Some travel may be required.
  • Are remote positions available? Some remote work is available, though this will depend on the department and work offered. Most internship positions do require in-person work to allow for a hands-on experience and training.
  • Are clinical settings available? No clinical settings are available through this program. 


Applicants must be currently enrolled in a bachelor's or master's program, have adequate transportation and have proof of COVID-19 vaccination. For consideration in information services roles, some experience in information technology may be required. 

Program duration: The program will run June - August 2024; students will have a one-week break for Independence Day. 

Interviews: Interviews will take place in March 2024.