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About innovationOchsner

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innovationOchsner (iO) is an innovation lab founded by Ochsner Health in 2015. iO’s mission is to reimagine and revolutionize the experience and delivery of healthcare in a way that improves health, decreases costs, and enhances patient and caregiver experiences. We seek to solve healthcare’s most pressing challenges by developing new solutions in the areas of digital health, advanced analytics, and personalized medicine. Our holistic approach that uses medical, behavioral, social, environmental and genetic data enables us to care for patients with an understanding of all factors that influence their health.

Our multi-disciplinary team of highly skilled physicians, clinicians, engineers, analysts, data scientists, project managers and researchers is dedicated to innovation through transformative breakthroughs. With visionary leadership and an unwavering commitment from Ochsner Health, we can rapidly design, test and implement groundbreaking solutions that are focused on being more predictive, proactive and precise in the way we care for patients. We also collaborate with leading innovators, inside and outside the industry, to identify and validate promising new technologies and models of care.

Pete November
Chief Executive Officer, Ochsner Health
Pete Novem­ber serves as the chief exec­u­tive offi­cer of Ochsner Health, Louisiana’s largest non­prof­it aca­d­e­m­ic health sys­tem and its largest pri­vate employ­er. Novem­ber was named CEO in 2022 after…
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Denise Basow, MD
Senior Vice President and Chief Digital Officer, iO
Denise Basow, MD is Ochsner Health’s first Chief Dig­i­tal Offi­cer. Dr. Basow leads the strat­e­gy and growth of Ochsner’s dig­i­tal health pro­grams, build­ing new dig­i­tal busi­ness­es and expand­ing clinical…
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