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Digital Medicine

Digital Medicine is a nationally recognized, clinically-proven program revolutionizing how we treat chronic conditions combining digital tools and engagement with a dedicated care team.

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Digital Medicine

Digital Medicine is a nationally recognized, clinically-proven program revolutionizing how we treat chronic conditions combining digital tools and engagement with a dedicated care team.

Each Digital Medicine participant uses a digital device, such as a digital blood pressure cuff or glucometer, that connects through their smartphone to automatically transfer all home readings to their dedicated Digital Medicine care team in real-time. The Digital Medicine care team, consisting of a pharmacist or clinician and personal health coach, monitor the readings and contact the patients periodically to manage their care, so individuals can effectively take control of their health from the convenience of home.

Our pharmacists and clinicians specialize in managing chronic conditions. Following current evidence-based guidelines, they adjust medications and dosages to find the right balance for each patient. Our health coaches are trained in motivational interviewing and behavior change. They work with patients to set personal goals and take manageable steps towards a healthier lifestyle.

Monthly, patients receive a report informing them of their progress in the program. In addition, information about the patient’s progress is also available to their providers.

Today, we offer Digital Medicine for patients with hypertension and Type 2 diabetes, and we are piloting with hyperlipidemia and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients. Over time, we intend to offer the program for additional chronic conditions.

Digital Medicine has been proven to be successful at better managing chronic conditions than traditional models of care. Compared with 26% of patients receiving usual care, 79% of Digital Medicine for hypertension patients achieved their blood pressure goal in six months. Similarly, 81% of Digital Medicine for diabetes patients achieved their A1C goal after six months versus 62% of usual care patients, and patients experienced a 36% drop in instances of diabetes distress after six months in the program. In addition to health benefits, Digital Medicine also has proven financial benefits as an analysis identified a $204 per member per month savings for hypertension patients enrolled in Digital Medicine and $163 per member per month savings for Type 2 diabetes patients enrolled in Digital Medicine. Moreover, patients love the program, giving it an exceptional net promoter score (NPS) of 78.

The program has been featured on the cover of The Washington Post and in Newsweek, among others.

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