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How to Prepare for Surgery

team of physicians during surgery
team of physicians during surgery

Your physician and a member of the perioperative medical team will discuss your procedure and any pre-testing that must be completed prior to your surgery. Pre-testing may include such procedures as blood work, urinalysis, x-rays or electrocardiogram (EKG). Depending on your age, health status and other recent tests, a medical consultation with your primary care physician, an internist or other specialist may be necessary to ensure that all aspects of your health have been evaluated.

If you have a primary care physician not associated with Ochsner, you may be asked to provide a note from your physician detailing your medical conditions and test results including a statement that your health conditions are optimized for your surgery. If this is necessary, please provide any lab tests, x-rays, heart study results or other tests related to your care.

For some patients, depending on the type of surgery, your medical condition and previous anesthetic history, an anesthesia consultation at the Pre-Operative Center may be scheduled for you to meet with an anesthesiologist. At this time, an anesthesia questionnaire and instructions for anesthesia and surgery will be reviewed, with an opportunity for you to ask questions about the anesthetic procedure and risks. You will be asked to sign an anesthesia consent form with the anesthesia physician.

When it is not necessary for you to see an anesthesiologist, a Pre-Operative Center Registered Nurse will contact you by phone one to three days prior to your surgery to review your medical history and discuss pre-surgery instructions. The Pre-Operative Center prepares you for your hospital experience and helps you understand what to expect during your stay. You will have time to ask questions and discuss your concerns. You are the most important part of the healthcare team.

If you have not been contacted by the Pre-Operative Center by one to three days prior to your surgery, please call 504-842-4526 or 1-866-727-1910 between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. Monday through Friday.

North Shore Ambulatory Center patients should call 985-875-2350.

If your surgery is on Monday, please contact the Pre-Operative Center by the Thursday before your scheduled date.

It is important for Ochsner Health to have your correct phone numbers. Please validate this information with your surgeon's office when the surgery is scheduled.

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