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Music Therapy Program

Music Therapy Guitar
Music Therapy Guitar

Music therapy is a healthcare profession that uses interactive music experiences to work on health-related goals. Music interventions are individualized, meeting the needs of the patient in order to improve functioning and quality of life.

William "Billy" Rednour Legier Jr. was diagnosed with a Glioblastoma in 2017. Billy lost his courageous battle with cancer 16 months later and leaves behind a beautiful daughter, loving parents, and very successful career in real estate. Billy had an unmatched zest for life and made an impact on anyone he encountered. He spent much of his time volunteering at Ochsner in the Cancer center to help others. His parents, William and Melissa established a neurologic music therapy program in honor of Billy’s life, legacy, and love of music. The program passes on the best parts of Billy so that he continues to inspire hope and healing both in life and in death.

This program is free to neuroscience patients.

The Ochsner Neurosciences Institute is the only one of its kind in New Orleans offering Neurologic Music Therapy services for adults with neurological disorders. The tremendous generosity of the Legier family has given birth to this new Ochsner program, and adult neurology patients are able to participate free of charge. Working closely with other neurology providers, the music therapy program strives to deliver quality, individualized, and patient-centered care. Sessions are carefully planned, adapting the approach and music to meet patients on their level and target goals that will improve everyday life. Time is taken to build report with the patients and their families, which serves as the foundation for treatment. Going further, music exercises and tools are shared so that patients and families can practice learned techniques at home.

As an evidence-based profession, music therapy builds its practices on the latest research of how music can improve health. When we listen to or participate in making music, many areas of the brain are stimulated, as we naturally respond to its elements. We may find that a certain beat subconsciously gets our foot tapping, a song stirs a particular feeling and memory, or a specific style helps us focus while working on a task. Because music can have these effects, it can be used as a therapeutic tool to promote rehabilitation and optimal daily functioning.

Music therapists are credentialed professionals with expertise in how to use the elements of music to address non-musical goals. Due to this focus a patient does not have to be musical to participate in music therapy. Within the context of a therapeutic relationship, the music therapist and patient work together to target goals that may encompass:

  • Rehabilitation of speech and language skills
  • Increase in activity level and engagement
  • Stimulation and enhancement of memory function
  • Improvement in physical ability
  • Reduction of anxiety, stress, or pain
  • Promotion of healthy emotional expression
  • Growth in self-esteem and positive relationships
  • Increase in joy and better quality of life

Neurologic Music Therapy is a specialization within the field of music therapy. Neurologic music therapists use standardized music interventions based on research that studies how the brain perceives and produces music and its effect on non-musical function. This branch of music therapy specifically works with those patients diagnosed with a neurological disorder to address sensorimotor training, speech and language training, and cognitive training.

The music therapy program at Ochsner is led by Board-Certified and Neurologic Music Therapist, Meredith Sharpe. Meredith has been practicing music therapy since 2009, working with a variety of populations. As the owner of Sharpe Notes Music Therapy, LLC, much of her work has focused on helping children and adults with neurological disorders in the New Orleans area. In addition to working as a clinician, Meredith enjoys advocating for the growth of music therapy services and supporting fellow music therapists and music educators. She has been a guest speaker and presenter for several organizations, including participating as a lead panelist in Preservation Hall’s most recent webinar series, which addressed adaptations of music lessons for children with disabilities. Meredith has been an adjunct professor for the music therapy department at Loyola University New Orleans and regularly supervises student interns working with her private practice. She earned her Bachelor of Music degree from Loyola University New Orleans, completed her Master of Arts in Music Therapy from New York University, and trained with The Academy of Neurologic Music Therapy to become a Neurologic Music Therapist.

Patients can contact any neurology physician or advanced practice provider and ask for a music therapy referral.

William "Billy" Rednour Legier Jr. was diagnosed with a Glioblastoma in 2017. Billy lost his courageous battle with cancer 16 months later and leaves behind a beautiful daughter, loving parents, and very successful career in real estate. Billy had an unmatched zest for life and made an impact on anyone he encountered. He spent much of his time volunteering at Ochsner in the Cancer center to help others. His parents, William and Melissa established a neurologic music therapy program in honor of Billy’s life, legacy, and love of music. The program passes on the best parts of Billy so that he continues to inspire hope and healing both in life and in death.

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Map of Ochsner-affiliated facilities that provide services related to Music Therapy Program

Music Therapy Program Locations

Ochsner Medical Center – New Orleans
1514 Jefferson Highway
New Orleans, LA 70121
  • Open 24/7