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Ochsner Recovery Program

Why choose Ochsner Health for your recovery care?

The Ochsner recovery program offers innovative, evidence-based care to people with addiction and substance use disorder in Louisiana. Our skilled, multidisciplinary team takes a holistic approach to addiction treatment.

While many treatment facilities and rehab centers only offer intensive treatment in an inpatient setting, our program allows you to continue to live at home. You can spend time with family and friends, take care of pets or plants and keep a regular schedule, all while getting the treatment and support you need.

In addition to addiction treatment, patients in the Ochsner recovery program receive treatment for their physical and mental health conditions. We also encourage patients to involve their families in their recovery process.

When you enroll in the Ochsner recovery program, our expert team will work with you to develop an individualized care plan tailored to your unique needs and circumstances. Your program will last between 20 and 30 days. You’ll come to the outpatient treatment center Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. until about 3 p.m.

The Ochsner recovery program uses a group-based model. While at Ochsner, you’ll participate in daily group therapy sessions and recovery-related classes. You'll also meet with your psychiatrist individually multiple times a week. Depending on your needs, you may also receive additional individual appointments.

The group approach allows patients to support and learn from each other. It also allows the care team to stay up to date with your recovery process and adjust your treatment plan quickly if needed.

The Ochsner recovery program team includes:

  • Nurses
  • Psychiatrists
  • Psychologists
  • Social workers

Because Ochsner is an academic healthcare center, our team often includes psychology and medical residents as well.

To learn more about the Ochsner recovery program, call 504-842-3999 and select option 2. A member of the recovery program team will talk with you about your situation and work with you to schedule an evaluation as soon as possible.

If the team member thinks you need immediate or 24-hour care, they will instruct you to go to an Ochsner Emergency Department.

Many people with a substance use disorder also often have one or more chronic physical or mental health conditions, such as anxiety, chronic pain or depression. The Ochsner recovery program allows you to receive treatment for these conditions while also receiving treatment for alcohol or drug abuse. Our team can coordinate your care with your existing Ochsner physicians if you need additional services. We can also refer you to other doctors if needed.

While enrolled in the program, all patients receive regular blood and urine testing. This allows us to adjust your care plan in the case of relapse.

The 4 Pillars of Recovery

Mental health and substance abuse are interconnected. Ochsner recovery program treatments address the four pillars of recovery to improve your overall mental wellness. These are:

  1. Health, or managing health conditions and symptoms
  2. Home, creating a safe, stable living environment
  3. Purpose, engaging in meaningful activities
  4. Community, building social connections and a support system

Our team also works with you to increase recovery capital, or the resources you have to maintain your recovery. The three main types of recovery capital are:

  • Community resources
  • Family and social resources
  • Personal resources

Group Therapy and Classes

While other treatment programs often focus on one type of psychotherapy, Ochsner incorporates therapy techniques from several different psychotherapy models. By doing this, we expand the number of skills and tools patients learn in the program. Group therapy sessions and classes include training in:

  • Acceptance and commitment therapy
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy
  • Dialectical behavior therapy — talk therapy for people with conditions that make it difficult to manage their emotions

Medication-Assisted Therapy

The Ochsner recovery program offers medication-assisted therapy. Medication can often help people stick with their treatment program and maintain recovery when combined with psychotherapy and other treatments. The Ochsner recovery program offers several medication options, including:

  • Acamprosate, or Campral
  • Buprenorphine, or Suboxone
  • Naltrexone

Mindfulness Practices and Expressive Therapy

Our expert team members provide a wide range of evidence-based treatments related to mindfulness and expressive therapy, including:

  • Art therapy
  • Mindfulness-based activities and education
  • Yoga

Family Involvement and Support

Ochsner recovery program patients aren’t the only ones affected by substance use disorders. Their spouses, children and other family members are also affected. Because of this, we encourage family members to take an active role in your recovery. Ochsner offers many ways for families to get involved and also receive treatment, including:

  • Educational sessions
  • Family therapy
  • Individual therapy

We can also help connect family members with additional community resources and self-help groups.

After finishing the recovery program, we will ensure you have an individual therapist and group therapy to continue your treatment. Additionally, the Ochsner recovery program team offers a weekly aftercare group. Depending on your needs, Ochsner also offers continued blood or urine screening.

Participating in a community-based self-help program, such as Alcoholics Anonymous or SMART Recovery, is an excellent way to receive additional, ongoing support.


Addiction is when a person can't stop doing something that might be harmful, even if they want to stop. This could be using drugs, drinking alcohol, or even playing video games too much. People with addiction often feel like they need to keep doing the activity to feel normal or happy, and it can be hard for them to quit on their own.

A substance use disorder is when someone has trouble controlling their use of drugs or alcohol. Even if they know it's causing problems in their life, like at school, with friends, or with their health, they still find it hard to stop using the substance. It affects how they think and act, making it tough for them to live a normal life without the drug or alcohol.

Signs of alcohol abuse include drinking more than you planned, trying to cut down but not being able to, and spending a lot of time drinking or recovering from drinking. It can also mean having trouble at school, home, or with friends because of drinking, and continuing to drink even though it's causing problems. Other signs include needing to drink more to get the same effect, feeling sick when you don't drink, and losing interest in activities you used to enjoy.

Yes, alcohol is a drug. It's a substance that changes how your body and mind work. When people drink alcohol, it can affect their mood, behavior and thinking. Even though it's legal for adults, drinking too much can be dangerous and cause serious health problems. Like other drugs, alcohol can also lead to addiction, making it hard for people to stop drinking even when they want to.

Yes, drug addiction is considered a disease. It affects the brain and changes how it works, making it hard for people to control their use of drugs. Just like other diseases, addiction needs treatment and care. People with addiction often need help from doctors, counselors and support groups to recover. It's important to understand that addiction isn't just a bad habit; it's a serious condition that requires understanding and support to overcome.

Stopping drinking can be challenging, but it's possible with determination and support. Here are some steps that can help:

  1. Set a goal: Decide why you want to stop drinking and set a clear goal.
  2. Seek support: Talk to friends, family, or join a support group for encouragement.
  3. Remove temptations: Get rid of alcohol in your home to avoid temptation.
  4. Find alternatives: Keep yourself busy with hobbies, sports or other activities you enjoy.
  5. Get professional help, like the Ochsner Recovery Program: Doctors or counselors can provide guidance and treatment options.
  6. Stay positive: Celebrate small successes and stay focused on your goal.

Remember, it's OK to ask for help and take it one step at a time.

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Map of Ochsner-affiliated facilities that provide services related to Ochsner Recovery Program

Ochsner Recovery Program Locations

Ochsner Medical Center – New Orleans
1514 Jefferson Highway
New Orleans, LA 70121
  • Open 24/7