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Kori Robinson, PA-C

Family Medicine
    Kori Robinson, PA-C
4.9 of 5 Stars
Based on 40 Patient Verified Ratings

Kori Robinson, PA-C


Kori Robinson, PA-C, practices family medicine at Ochsner Health.

Education and Training

Medical Education

Xavier University of New Orleans

Louisiana State University School of Medicine in New Orleans

Ochsner Patient Verified Reviews

To obtain patient ratings and comments, we partner with Press Ganey, an independent patient satisfaction company that works with more than 26,000 healthcare organizations to improve the patient experience. These patient verified ratings are based on the “likelihood to recommend” physician scores on the nationally developed Medical Practice Survey. Actual top box results for this question are translated to a 1-5 scale, and the star scores are measured on that scale, with 5 being the best score.

February 2024
