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Yellow Fever Vaccine

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Yellow Fever Vaccine Available at Ochsner

The new yellow fever vaccine is available at Ochsner through the Travel and Tropical Disease Clinic at Ochsner Medical Center on Jefferson Highway.

This vaccine, manufactured by Sanofi Pasteur, is only available at designated vaccination centers, which includes Ochsner Medical Center.

The yellow fever vaccine is a live-virus vaccine that has been used for several decades to prevent contracting yellow fever. A single dose provides lifelong protection for most people.

  • Yellow fever vaccine is recommended for persons over 9 months of age, who are traveling to or living in areas at risk for yellow fever virus transmission in South America and Africa.
  • Yellow fever vaccine may be required for entry into certain countries. Yellow fever vaccination requirements and recommendations for specific countries are available on the CDC Travelers’ Health webpage.
  • Find more information about yellow fever vaccine on the yellow fever vaccine page.

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