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Our Comprehensive Team Approach

Women talking in oncology waiting room
Women talking in oncology waiting room

When undergoing cancer treatment, there is a team of oncology professionals that will help you along your journey. Each member of your “care team” has a specific role and will assist with a branch of your care. And then there’s you, the patient. You and your loved ones are considered vital members of the team as well. Together we all work to ensure we provide you with the most comprehensive care possible.

Finally, by being an Ochsner patient you are connected to a large network of other specialties and clinics outside of oncology. As part of a large hospital system our cancer center has access to many resources and related specialties that allow us to seamlessly move you through the system. You can find some examples of different specialties that you may need to meet with during your cancer journey here.

Here is a list of some types of providers and support staff that you may meet during your time with us. Not every patient will need all of the below types of providers. How many providers you have, and which types, will depend on your treatment plan.

Your Multidisciplinary Team

The Oncology Nurse Navigators serve as a patient liaison to help patients and family members navigate the complex healthcare system. The Nurse Navigator will establish early contact with the cancer patients to identify and eliminate barriers to timely diagnosis and treatment.

Medical Oncologists are doctors that treat your cancer systemically, or through the bloodstream. These treatments try to not only kill the cancer at its source, but also prevent it from spreading further within your body.

Fellows are physicians that temporarily work at an institution to learn more about a specialty. You may encounter an oncology fellow during your treatment journey. This will be a physician who is working to specialize in one aspect of oncology treatment, such as surgical oncology or medical oncology. They work closely with the other providers at Ochsner to contribute to your care in the most comprehensive manner possible.

Surgical Oncologists treat cancer by removing all or some of it from the body. These are specialized surgeons who understand cancer and how it behaves/spreads, so that they can better determine what surgical procedures may benefit you. Learn more about our surgical oncology program here.

Radiation Oncologists use radiation therapy, or targeted high energy rays, to treat cancer. They undergo vigorous training and can determine the correct dose of radiation to have maximum benefit on the cancer while protecting the other healthy organs around it.

Advance Practice Providers include both nurse practitioners and physician’s assistants. They support your physician in your care and are great sources of information and medical advice during your treatment.

Oncology pharmacists play an important role in the delivery of care for individuals living with cancer. Oncology pharmacists work with your physician to ensure a current and accurate medication list, select the most appropriate therapy, monitor the effects of medications prescribed, and manage the adverse effects that often accompany cancer treatment. They also can meet with you to discuss your treatment and answer questions.

We understand that the stress that comes from a cancer diagnosis does not disappear after the initial appointment. Every new success or failure brings new concerns and questions to both patients and caregivers. Psychological services are offered at Ochsner to help patients and their loved ones manage this stress. Our Oncology Psychologists are not only trained in psychology, but also very knowledgeable about cancer biology and treatment side effects. They are available to meet with patients and/or caregivers to provide a more comprehensive approach to coping with illness. You can read more about our Oncology Psychology Program, as well as our entire Integrative Therapy Program here.

A Financial Coordinator works with you and your insurance company in determining the benefits of your policy and can provide information about other funding sources. They can help with financial assistance, Medicaid, and Medicare applications as needed. They are also a great resource for billing questions and setting up payment plans.

You can read more about our Financial Services Department here and find our helpful resources here.

Our coordinators are available for in-person meetings at most of our cancer centers, and always available by phone: 855-226-6523.

The Ochsner Cancer Institute employs oncology-certified social workers who offer a full array of psychosocial services to cancer patients and their families. Our oncology social workers are there to help provide you and your caregivers with emotional and financial counseling, information and referrals to community resources as well as other services to reduce the stress cancer patients and their caregivers may experience after a cancer diagnosis and the treatment that may follow.

Individualized Team Members for Your Diagnosis and Journey

In addition to the core multi-disciplinary providers on your team, we have additional providers and programs to help customize your treatment plan to your specific situation. Our Shared Clinics and Services are specialties within your oncology team that support you through the treatment, providing side effect relief, psychological support, nutritional guidance, and many other benefits. These services may be a part of your treatment plan depending on your specific circumstances and desired cancer care experience. Learn more about these individual services below.

We understand that the stress that comes from a cancer diagnosis does not disappear after the initial appointment. Every new success or failure brings new concerns and questions to both patients and caregivers. Psychological services are offered at Ochsner to help patients and their loved ones manage this stress. Our Oncology Psychologists are not only trained in psychology, but also very knowledgeable about cancer biology and treatment side effects. They are available to meet with patients and/or caregivers to provide a more comprehensive approach to coping with illness. You can read more about our Oncology Psychology Program, as well as our entire Integrative Therapy Program here.

Palliative care is the treatment of symptoms and stress related to disease or medication to improve quality of life. Your Palliative Care Provider will work with you to develop a treatment plan that targets specific issues or symptoms that you are having. It does not replace treatment for cancer, but rather supports it. You can read more about Palliative Medicine here.

At Ochsner’s Cancer Center, a registered dietitian will work along with your doctors, nurses and support staff to identify opportunities for nutrition intervention. Medical nutrition therapy provided by a dietitian includes a complete nutrition assessment with a review of your medical history, lab and test results and diet history. A plan to accomplish your personalized nutrition goals will be developed and your ongoing progress will be monitored and evaluated. Learn more about our Oncology Nutrition Program here..

Whether you’re facing a new diagnosis of cancer or are a survivor coping with side effects, the Ochsner Integrative Oncology team can help enhance the quality of your life. Our services, when combined with traditional therapy, treat the whole patient – not just the cancer.

If your treatment for cancer consists of a clinical trial or research study, you may be assigned a research coordinator or other clinical trial staff to assist with your progress through the study. The staff in the Clinical Research Department will assist with explaining the trial, consenting, and enrolling you in the study. Throughout your trial participation, they will monitor you closely for side effects and complications and assist in scheduling any tests or procedures that are necessary. They will also communicate frequently with your provider about your progress. You can read more about our Oncology Research Programs here.

Women today can have it all but, sometimes, having it all can take its toll. Fortunately, with the Women’s Wellness and Survivorship Center at Ochsner Baptist, you can have it all when it comes to healthcare as well. You can read more about our Wellness and Survivorship Clinic here.

Acupuncture helps alleviate a wide variety of symptoms simultaneously. For cancer patients and survivors, clinical studies have shown acupuncture can reduce cancer-related pain, nausea, post-chemotherapy fatigue and hot flashes as well as help improve overall sleep quality. You can read more about Oncology Acupuncture here.

The American Cancer Society and National Comprehensive Cancer Network confirm that exercise after surgery, during chemotherapy and radiation treatments provides critical benefits to patients; helping you get strong and stay strong. Ochsner cancer rehabilitation physical therapists will work with you to regain the life you love through our team and goal- oriented approach. Tell us what matters to you and we will help you achieve it. You can read more about our Oncology Physical therapy program here.

While most cancers are not caused by a genetic predisposition that we inherit from a parent and are born with, identifying the presence of such a genetic problem can be helpful to individuals with cancer and to their families. You can read more about our Genetics and High risk program here.

Our smoking cessation clinics offer services to our patients to help them kick their smoking or vaping habit and quit for good! Ochsner is partnering with the Smoking Cessation Trust to offer free counseling for anyone wanting to make a healthy lifestyle change. Medications may be covered at a free or reduced cost. Ochsner is committed to changing the lives that we touch. You can learn more about our Smoking cessation program here.

Ochsner’s Cardio-Oncology Clinic is a collaboration between the John Ochsner Heart and Vascular Institute and the Ochsner Cancer Institute. One of just a few in the United States, our innovative program specializes in treating the cardiovascular side effects of cancer treatments to maximize cardiovascular outcomes for cancer patients and survivors. You can learn more about our Cardio-Oncology clinic here.

Prehabilitation is a multidisciplinary strengthening program that helps to improve a patient’s strength before surgery and recovery time post-operative. The program includes evaluation, education, nutrition, exercise and stress management. You can learn more about our Prehabilitation program here.

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