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Telephone Numbers

There are many amenities available when staying at Ochsner Medical Center - Kenner, including telephone services. For your convenience, the following phone numbers have been compiled for easy use. If you are staying in the hospital, just dial the following phone numbers directly, without the area code.

For patient rooms: Dial 4-6-4-8 plus the room number

Patient Information: 504-464-8078

Main Line/Patient Information: 504-468-8600

Administration: 504-464-8600

Admitting: 504-464-8063

Billing: 800-343-0269

Blood Donations: 504-464-8645

Cardiology: 504-464-8013

Chaplin/Pastoral Care: 504-842-3286

Diabetic Education: 504-464-8646

Emergency Department: 504-464-8015

Maternal/Child Services: 504-464-8365

Financial Counseling: 504-464-8069

Food/Nutrition Services: 504-464-8120

Housekeeping: 504-712-8809 or 504-464-8133

Human Resources: 504-842-4748

Interpreters: 504-712-8801

Laboratory: 504-464-8025

Health Information Management (Medical Records)/Release of Information: 504-464-8066

Patient Escort: 504-464-8046

Patient and Provider Advocacy: 1-844-959-HEAR(4327)

Philanthropy: 504-842-7110

Radiology: 504-464-8040

Rehabilitation Services: 504-464-8173

Respiratory Therapy: 504-464-8157

Security: 504-464-8077

Sleep Lab: 504-464-8014

Surgery Scheduling: 504-464-8278

TDD Line: 504-464-8253

Volunteer Services: 504-464-8546

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