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Every year, about two million people are in the market for a new wheelchair, and they’re not all seniors. Almost 18% of people in wheelchairs are employed. Whether you need a walker or a scooter, a cane or crutches, our team can help you find the equipment you need to live as safely and as independently as possible. There are a number of wonderful products on the market today. Our team can help you find the ones that best fit your lifestyle.

  • Canes (for those who are independent enough to use a one-handed walking aid}
  • Quad Canes (have a base with four points of contact on the floor to provide extra stability and support for people when walking)
  • Forearm Crutches (used by those who have long-term or permanent mobility problem)
  • Walkers (help you remain mobile by providing stability and support while walking)
  • Rollators (walkers with wheels and brakes to eliminate having to lift the walker to walk. Brakes offer extra security when going down inclines. The walkers fold for transport and many have seats so users can sit and rest when they get tired)
  • Manual Wheelchairs (available in a variety of styles and sizes. The standard basic wheelchair folds easily for transport, has locking wheels, detachable foot rests that swing-away for transferring, footplates, elevating leg rests and arm rests that are either permanent full length or removable desk length. Optional features include reclining backs, adjustable seat length, hemi or low seat frames, articulating footrests, solid tires and anti-tipping devices)
  • Transport or Companion Wheelchairs (available in lightweight models and are designed to be pushed by the caregiver)
  • Lightweight Wheelchairs (weigh much less than standard chairs and are easier to self-propel)
  • Power Wheelchairs (motorized wheelchairs that are controlled by either a joystick or a puff mechanism. Primarily used by quadriplegics or people who cannot maneuver a regular wheelchair)
  • Scooters or Personal Mobility Vehicles (PMVs) (provide motorized transportation for individuals who either need or prefer power mobility. Scooters can be used indoors and outdoors and are available in both front-wheel and rear-wheel drive models. They also come in lightweight models that break down for easy transport)